Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Omar Al-Shirf

he jusw eant to get marry

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Omani Souk

In South of Doha-Qatar, specifically next to the vegetable central market, there is a traditional market Known to the Qataris' people by Omani's or Omani Souk. The reason for this called is, when it established from nearly 30 years ago the most worker there from Oman. However, now many nationalities whichbecame sellers and stalls owners are Bengali and Omani you may rarely seen. Additionally, it dedicated to sale of seedlings, flowers and everything related to natural plants received from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,Oman, Syria, Tunisia, Holland, Thailand and some other countries. Beside that a lot of Omanis' products on sale at appropriate prices.

Many people in Qatar and Gulf, as well tourists and traders go to Omani souk and, they are looking to variety products. Also, there are several sections for sale of handicrafts such as: hand fans" Almhfat", chairs and tables made ​​ofbamboo. In addition, seedlings for instance: palm, tomatoes, lemon, banana treesand seasonal flowers. As well as, there are dates, all kind of fruits and vegetables,stockfish and dried shrimp. There are also other goods such as: spices, black lemon, coffee, cattle and sheep margarine, pottery, chimneys, coal and "Shisha". Likewise, there are products not available outside, for example: truffles arecoming from Algeria and Libya, as there is one cafeteria, and free water in the west of the Omani souk.

In Qatar, the Omani souk is the most famous market to sale truffles and it is the only one. Truffles, is seasonal wild-mushroom grows in the desert after rainfall, and it is one of the best food for Gulfs' people. It is not sold in the whole year, but it is sold only in the winter. The souk is depending on truffles that come from out board from Libya and Algeria because it provides the truffles all seasons. However, Gulf truffles in Gulf region are few, little, and only in winter season. The prices are different in Omani souk than street vendors. And there are no fixed prices to sale truffles so; people can negotiate the prices with sellers.

The differences between Omani souk and other markets are facilities, low prices, negotiate with sellers which make easier for people to shop and satisfaction for customer. According to Mohammed Ali a Bengali seller, he said:People loved come to Omani souk because they searching for products are cheap prices with high quality and they can shop by car easily.”

Omani souk is the only souk that provides product from Oman such as:salted fish, Omani vacuum, and Arabian perfume. According to Um-Hamad a permanently customer at Omani souk she comes from Oman said that: "When I came to Omani souk, I found every thing from Oman. I thought this souk wascommunity for Omani people in Qatar and I felt like I was in Oman, not only in Qatar”.

Qatari people like to shop in Omani souk especially the elderly. The elderlyare more interested to shop in Omani souk because it’s provide older people traditional items which they don’t find that in other places, meeting friends, easier way to buy by car. According to Abdalaziz Mubarak a seller at Omani souk said:The elderly are the most people who come to Omani souk rather than young people especially women they come to buy “ bazaar” which is used for Gulf cooking. In the morning the souk is crowded by Gulf women”.

The Omani souk is always crowded, the people come from morning until evening and they are like to buy from there rather than another souk. Moreover, they come to Omani souk for a walk, enjoy the weather, and look for traditional things inside souk and eating at small restaurant. Abdul-Aziz Mubarak trader and seller at Omani souk said that: “People in Qatar love to buy from Omani souk because they feel comfortable when shopping by car. It is fully by people every dayespecially in winter is the most crowded season at Omani souk.”

Likewise, Omani souk is more related to culture, and traditional rather than shopping. Foreign people are interested visit the Omani souk because it is old building, old generation people, old generation, and old items such as: handmade that foreign people would like to visit. According to European women said “I love to come to Omani souk. Because, I see old tradition things are very difficult to find in Doha. I prefer the shopping here than someone else because, it is mixture of heritage, fresh food, culture.

In conclusion, it is clear to us to extent of authenticity and originality of the Omani souk from what it has of traditional products with cheap price and high quality. Additionally, the best plants of seedlings, natural seasonal flowers and trees also fruits and vegetables. Ease of shopping by car make people more comfortable. For all of those reasons, people loved to shop in Omani Souk more than others.

done by : Zahra Aziz 200550515, fatima alkuwari


Monday, December 19, 2011



Qatar foundation art exhibition “ Mathaf ” was establish on the 30st of December 2010, it displays more than 200 works covering Arabic Modernist art from the last hundred years. Mathaf hosts exhibitions, programs and events that explore and celebrate art by Arab artists and offer an Arab perspective on international modern and contemporary art
It’s an inspiring space for dialogue and scholarship about modern and contemporary art in the region. Mathaf was founded by H.E. Sheikh Hassan bin Mohamed bin Ali Al Thani where he first began to imagine what an Arab Museum of Modern Art might look like. He built a collection that could serve artists and public as a rich and delegate treasure-house of modern Arab art. And he saw this collection as a starting point, to create more opportunities for artists and for art-lovers in Doha and around the world.
Mathaf offers ongoing learning opportunities like talks, school tours, summer programs, workshops. Internship and even more. Its qualified with a white peaceful library where you sit back with an art book and enjoy reading. There is a wide range of scholarly resources, free WIFI. Printouts of digital collections cover general art history, modern art and let’s not forget the art theory within the Arab world.
A phenomenal museum shop is located in Mathaf with its own version and touch of legendary little store that anyone would love to have at their house in the corner as a decoration or just for yourself.
Mathaf coffe bar is designed as a place where the modern art of conversations can happen there. Its comfortable with good food, a lot of space and a chilling atmosphere.
Cai Guo-Qiang: Saraab Exhibition, one of the events that happened on the 5th of December where Cais showed cased diverse body of work body, ranging from his signature gunpowder drawings to large-scale site-specific installations and the explosion event of “Black Ceremony”.
Saraab is committed to present an Arab perspective on modern and contemporary art as it turns eastward to consider dynamics across Asia for the first time. They also address the uncertainty of Qatar and China’s relationships between each other, and Cai’s creative development over an existence.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The sorcery and witchcraft business

A Family practicing ‘’witchcraft and sorcery’’ as a family business:
K.R is a mother of 7 children, her husband Mohamed. G works as a driver in a well-known company. His monthly income does not exceed 1500 riyals and he has to pay the rent which is 1000 riyals per month which means the remaining is only 500QR. It is difficult to survive with such amount especially because of life condition in Qatar. Although this family was relying on their relatives in getting their food, but still with 7 children it gives a hard times for all. In that point, the  mother K.R started practicing   astrology and  fortune telling, she started by “reading the cup” as her family in Persia does, her clue is to predict people’s future by figuring out the meanings of the appeared symbols in their cups. First she prepares a Turkish coffee for her friends when they come to visit her, after drinking the coffee she flip the cup upside down and wait for it to get a little bit dry. Strange shapes will start to appear in the cup, in that time she starts  looking carefully in the cup and predict about what will happen in the life of the person. She used to do that as a hobby to pass the time and entertain herself then she was tricking people into paying 100qr per session to have their curiosity cured. This amount of money increased to 300 riyals after 6 months. After a while K.G became expert and her income increased using the narrow minded women and naïf persons.
            K.G very proud of her career, informed us that she  travelled to Iran for 6 months to improve her skills in  witchcraft, and the use of supernatural or magical power. Also she learnt about how to deal with devils and how could they help her in achieving her goals. When she returned back to Qatar she noticed that the number of people visiting her is increasing, after she spread the word of her new wizardry. She said as well   that she feels respected by people because they are afraid to make her angry.
She declared that after she became experienced in the field her income increased to 17000 QR per month.

Islamic religion and “sorcery”
The Islamic religion approves that sorcery do exist and any person could bewitched but practices like astrology and fortune telling are considered un-Islamic.
It was mentioned in our holy book the Qur’an more than once. For example the story of prophet Suleiman:
"اتبعوا ما تتلوا الشياطين على ملك سليمان وما كفر سليمان ولكن الشياطين كفروا يعلمون الناس السحر"
From the statement “يعلمون الناس السحر” we understand that witchcraft is learnable, it get transmitted from generation to another even though it is considered a taboo since the emergence of religions.   

 “Why people use sorcery” said K.R:
1-      They aims to division, this is the most dangerous kind; people use it to divide the couples.
 "فَيَتَعَلَّمُون مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُونَ بِهِ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهِ، وَمَا هُمْ بِضَارِّينَ بِهِ مِنْ أَحَدٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ ، وَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمْ وَلَا يَنْفَعُهُمْ"
2-      Witchcraft of Sickness on which the person will be suffering from diseases.  It is not necessary to be appeared like flu or fever, but it is unknown pain that it appear inside the body.
3-      Witchcraft of madness, it affects the person intellectually. The person loses his ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong.

How to avoid sorcery and witchcraft?
First to treat the person who was influenced by magic we have to figure out the place of the incantation. Sometimes magic could not be treated unless by magic, and this is a big taboo.
It is always better to treat the magic by reading Qur’an especially “Alfateha” and reading some statements from “Al hadeeth”.said Mohamed Al Enaizi

In an interview with Sheikh Mohamed Al Enaizi he said that Whose keep the following duaa written on a paper, shall remain safe from the influence of any magic.
[In the name of Allah and with Allah: in the name of Allah-that which Allah wills (takes place); in the name of Allah- there is no power nor strength save with Allah. Musa said : What you have brought is sorcery; verily Allah will soon make it vain: verily Allah does not put in order the work of the mischief-makers.
Thus the truth was established, and what they were doing was made vain.So there and then (Firawn and his enchanters) were defeated and made to look small, humiliated]
And has also confirmed that any deal with sorcery is excluding the person from paradise.
Done by:
Yosra Nasri & Amina Albloshi

Qatar national day

Written by /  Aisha Al-khulaifi , Hala Faisal
Qatar national day
             The preparation of Qatar national day was launched yesterday on Qatar university for the hug festival on Wednesday to celebrate Qatar national day supported by the activity center in the university and by opening  the registrations for the students to volunteer to give a hand to make this big event goes successfully.
             The hug flags were raised in the streets of the university and its buildings also inside in many different departments specially mass communication department for this lovely national occasion. The university actually celebrated this event Wednesday evening on the stadium by showing old songs , stories which related to Qatar heritage. The celebration events of Qatar national day will continue in university the whole week in the main activity building for both boys and girls , also on the food court and it will contain cultural performances for several schools and the representation for an old kind of food like (haris) and coffee. There also will be some poets who will participates with their poems  which shows the loyalty for Qatar.
               Yesterday saw a presentation by the school Duhail Model Benin School of the Gulf and the School of Umm Salamah, where she presented the three schools presented plays depicting the lives of grandparents, while in the second day will provide two schools Abdullah bin Zaid Jawan Bin Jassim military parade, as will Al-Bayan Educational Complex for Girls a big show about the life of the desert , and will then be a presentation of the Jawaan, on the third day, dedicated to poetry, will be host of poets club poets at the University of Qatar, in addition to the national poets Hamad postal future Marri and Mohammed bin Nasser.
                The national day is a day of pleasure for all Qataris people and this day is a different day among all the days in the year because this day is a special history and it Embodies the anniversary of the founding of Qatar as a day of pride and loyalty to confirm the affiliation of Qatar. Mr. Fouad Hassan Fakhro said that  we at the University of Qatar share in the organization of the Festival National Day 2011 and today's ceremony is nothing but a prelude to celebrate the great to be organized by the university, usually following the country's celebrations of National Day follow through all the events the morning which is held on the Corniche, and we hope, on this occasion , more prosperity for our country and security prevail, safety and welfare of the State of Qatar. Also Hamad Alemadi said That the team is a difference Festival Organizing National Day the university, and its mission advertising and promotion of the festival and invite students and their families, faculty and administrators to attend the festival next Wednesday in the court of the University of Qatar, in addition to marketing through social networking "Facebook" and "Twitter" and some boards of very popular.
He added: As part of our campaign promotions have prepared buildings, student activity was decorated with flags, as well as buildings, colleges, were distributed samples of advertising for students, gifts in kind other, as has been processing hearings People's give it a character of the heritage, and began primary school students presentations during this week, and specifically of yesterday to the day June 13.
             The National Day is the day of establishment of the State of Qatar and the great day of victory for the people of the country, the celebration is very important to remember the past and think about the present and look to the future. The benefit of Yaf'i said, the national day of pride for us because it embodies the memory of the founding of the country, and we are preparing for the celebration of the University of Qatar on Wednesday, celebrations of the path of seeking and we will, God willing, in the celebrations of the Corniche to raise flags and decorating cars to express their love of Qatar, as we prepare from now for dancing tribes. He stressed that the achievements of pride for every citizen of Qatar Qatar.
              In turn, Jamal al-Saadi: National Day of happy event for every citizen and resident in Qatar, is the anniversary of a historic mission for all to remember the past and looking forward to the future, and we hope further progress of Qatar. He said Hossam Hosni religion that today's National Day, Al-pride and joy and pleasure, and this is a big thing for the people of Qatar and means a lot to me being born on the territory of Qatar, and God willing I'm going to the joy of Qataris and residents in the celebrations of the Corniche.

Bird Auction

Land Cruiser between the obsessions of youth and

Land Cruiser between the obsessions of youth and
Luxury manifestations
Done by :
Sondos Rafiq & Hager shaban

When you go to the male campus parking at Qatar University the first thing
you will notice that there are a lot of land cruisers cars parked there.
the Qatari students are keen on to have this car specially, even though
this cars causes a lot of accidents because the youth driving recklessly
as we know that youth like the driving fast . We want there to see why youth
like to have this car?

The land cruiser and the independence of youth:
Mohammed Abdul Aziz Asiri student at Sharia College told us that he has the
car before he entering the university because it represents that he became an
independent person so when he starts riding this car his friends know that
He gets the permission for the start of his life.
his answer about how dangerous is this car ?he said that land cruiser is
dangerous because of larger size of the car, and he advice the youth to drive
carefully and safely in order to keep their lives. And he add that the rate of
accidents here in Qatar is huge because of driving the land cruiser recklessly
with the lack of rational.

Setting up a group for latest news about land cruiser:
The Qatari youth are extremely fond of having the latest models of land cruiser as an
example Khalid Sultan Al-Hamidi student from Arabic department said that he likes
to have new model of land cruiser and he looking for 2012 version on the internet.
He added that he spend the most of the time with his car, he coming to the university
and going out with friends till to the end of the day so he cares a lot about his car.
we asked him why land cruiser? He answered that this car is the best car ever and the
most prestigious one, as a result he set up this group to know the latest news and to
exchange the important information about the land cruiser with his friends.
The land cruiser design for sea line beach and hunting trips:
Mohammed Al-Otaibi student at engineering collage confirmed that Qatari youth
Have the advantage of having land cruiser, because with this car they can go the
Beach(sea line) where is a racing cars. So your car should have the ability for
crossing the sands and rise between highlands there. The Qatari youth are seen this car as a ship of desert. And he doesn’t feel scary about driving fast and crazy and he added that the person whose driving this car has to be good at driving and doesn’t panic from accidents because this car is closely to coup while driving. Mohammed cause Two car accidents while driving but as he said there were not dangerous and he said that the problem is not with the car but it depends on the person who driving,
The person who drive with high speed cause accident even with small cars.

All Qatari youth agreed with having the land cruiser and they see it important
thing here in Qatar specially if they want for hunting and sea line beach for
racing even though, it is very dangerous there, and the state tries to enact
the laws for those who violate and driving very fast with their land cruiser
in order to keep people life , however the youth still insist to get this carfor prestige and symbol for power.

Artificial Wedding Cakes

Artificial Wedding Cakes

There are many preparations for a wedding, the bride’s dress, invitations, the wedding hall and all of its preparations. But one of the most important things about weddings which must be taken into consideration is the wedding cake. Wedding cakes could be one of the things which completes the theme of any wedding. Thinking about how you want to design your wedding cake is very exciting but you should focus on some points before deciding :

1) The size of your cake: Which usually depends on the number of guests seeing as how you rather not have a huge cake for a small wedding guest wise, and vice versa.

2) The chef: It’s preferable to take advice from friends and previous clients of the same chef, so that you know from personal experiences. But at the end of the day, your personal preferences are what will determine your choice.

3) The season the wedding will be held in: If you were having a summer wedding you can’t take the risk of having a lot of icing in your cake, so thinking about the season and what contents should be in the cake is very important, especially if your wedding will be held outdoors.

4) The wedding theme : one of the most important steps when it comes to choosing your wedding cake is the theme. If you’re having a casual wedding with only relatives and close friends try to choose a simple design for the cake. If you’re having a fancy wedding with large numbers of guests, you will definitely choose the most suitable design and theme for your wedding, and matching the cake’s theme with other wedding decorations will certainly make your wedding seem more elegant and classic.

Brides choose fancy and sometimes peculiar decoration for their wedding cakes, to give their weddings more attention. But not all of them can afford expensive wedding cakes. So how do they manage to get hold of such amazing wedding cakes with all the many accessories which are demand by the brides with such low prices? Nowadays we are becoming more and more familiar with the word “Artificial” but what does it have to do with wedding cakes?

The term “Artificial Wedding Cakes” is becoming increasingly common to many brides these days, and if you’re wondering whether or not the word artificial means the cake is entirely fake or not, the answer is, “No”. Many bakeries started using a “trick”, where the upmost layer or two of the wedding cake are real, but the rest of the layers are simply made of Styrofoam. The arrangements that are made before creating this artificial cake to the wedding differ, but most wedding cake shops ask for signed agreements before continuing with the procedures. “If someone from the party cuts the Styrofoam, who takes responsibility? The company will of course. So we ask the customers with orders like these to sign an agreement” said Chef Hasan from Bateel bakery. Some brides liked the idea since they are going to have their dream wedding cake with a very cheap price, and many had comments like Mayasa Hassan’s, “ Wedding cakes are usually made of cream, and no one eats it at the end so why not use the artificial cake and save money?”. Other brides had completely different points of view. Metha Mohammed said “We only get married once in a life time, everything should be perfect and real in the wedding, I don’t mind wasting a lot of money on this one day, but I won’t take a risk and have something artificial in my wedding even if it was only the cake”.

As most women tend to be picky and unsatisfied by the little things, taking decisions for the big day and the use of anything artificial isn’t an easy decision. Some bakeries liked the idea because instead of wasting hours and hours baking and putting a 6-8 layer cake together, they could instead focus on doing their best on the first or second real layer and simply decorating the rest.
Thus, brides-to-be shouldn’t take any risks by making decisions without having full background information concerning real and artificial wedding cakes. Instead, they should visit as many bakeries and online sites as they can, without forgetting to hear personally from brides who have already used artificial cakes. Whether or not others have faced any difficulties or worries about these cakes prior to or during the wedding will definitely affect new brides’ decisions. When they have a full background on the matter, they will finally be more confident and certain about the choice they’ll soon be making.

Monya Mohammad
Yasmine Rabieh

Harley A New Transportation Mean To Qatar University .

Harley A New Transportation Mean To Qatar University

It’s not surprising to see a young man driving a Harley Davidson motorcycle since many of them consider it as a fun hobby and as a sign of luxury and ostentation. However, it’s surprising and extraordinary  that driving a Harley is the favorite hobby for  a man in his late of fifties and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Qatar University,  and he prefers  it as a basic transportation mean.


Pro.PeterJewesson is a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University ofBritish Columbia, Canada. He left Canada in September 2006 to start the new Pharmacy Program at the Qatar University in Doha, Qatar. Pro.Jewesson’s journey with the Harley Davidson motorcycles begin in 2002 which is almost ten years ago, when he was a professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada. However, his love for the Harley Davidson started much earlier and did not come from a vacuum as he’s father owned a Harley Davidson in 1945. Thus, he is the second generation in his family to own Harley Davidson.           

Despite the various transportation means in Doha, Professor Jewesson did not get rid of his Harley Davidson when he moved to Doha in 2006, but rather he brought it with him. Among the reasons that drove him to do so as he said “ One of the reasons that I brought my Harley Davidson  to this country is that if I was in this country  and I park my car and I got out of my car and walked in to for example to the Landmark shopping mall nobody will look at me, but if I drive my Harley Davidson to the Landmark mall and I got off of my motorcycle, people would come to the bike and ask me questions like, where are you from ?  Why do you have a Motorcycle? May I have a picture of my son or daughter or myself beside your Motorcycle? So this is a great reason  to bring people together for the purpose of communication and from my perspective to let me learn something about the people that  live in this country.”

Making the Motorcycle as a mean of transportation to go to work is something unusual in Doha specially in Qatar university where all faculty members came by cars. Therefore, there were remarkable reactions from Professor Jewesson’s colleagues and students when he drives his Harley to Qatar University at the first time, where some students came to him and asked if they can have a picture beside the motorcycle and what surprised him is that those students would not otherwise come up to say hello. Besides, his arrival to Doha in December 2006 coincided with the outset of the Asian Games, where he participated with the Amirs’s nephew who also had a Harley Davidson and they rode their motorcycles in the parade beside each other.

Additionally Professor Jewesson is an ex member of the huge club “ The Harley owners group in Qatar”. Furthermore,  he and his wife go every Friday  on a tour around the country (220 km ) on their Harley Davidson motorcycles for 4 years and until now ,which is a great way to meet people in the country side.   

From Professor Jewesson’s own experience , Qatar is one of the most dangerous countries that someone could drive a motorcycle in, because motorcycles are uncommon in the country, so the drivers of the cars and vehicles don’t know how to drive well with motorcycles around them. Thus, anyone who is planning to buy a motorcycle to drive in Qatar  must drive very cautiously, always stay in the right line and be very careful. In addition, he advice all motorcycle fans  to “  Buy a Harley.  Drive it carefully. Make it clean. Don’t be too loud specially in the morning when people are sleeping. Go out and find other people who ride motorcycles and it does not  matter which brand you buy your motorcycle, the most important thing is the way that it brings people together. Take advantage of it by using it to see this country,  to meet new people and drive it safely.”

 Done by: Mouzdalifa said & Fatima Abdulrehman.

Organ Donation Between Rejection and Acceptance of the Qatari Society

Dr. Yusuf Al-Maslamani lecture at Qatar University , to encourage students to donate organs

Organ donation after death is not new subject of our world, but it remains controversial and differing opinions. Many people need to transplant healthy organs in their bodies to preserve their lives. But the problem is that the number of donor organs is very small, Compared with the needs of patients. For that, many doctors trying to convince people to sign a document of organ donation after death.
For the Qatari society this idea is not popular Compared with other communities. Where the only sounds you hear are faint sounds by doctors trying to convince the Qatari society with the idea, with the aid of religious opinion to this issue which rejected by some people taking the religion as an excuse for them. Especially after the Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Yusuf al-Qaradawi fatwa’s, he said that is permissible to donate organs to Muslim brothers who In need of such body organs to live a healthy life, and that desirable.
Very few are considering to donate their organs, And less who go to sign the approval application To donate their organs after death in order to get the card that approved that they are accept to donate their organs after death, which authorizing doctors to act with organs of the person after he died.
Sheikha Jassim said: "In fact I heard about organ donation after death in a television program, and I was impressed with the idea a lot, especially it has a great reward from god, and consider as charity after death, so I told my mother about it to have her permission for that, and she agreed," she add, "But I have not acted in this issue, because I simply forgot about it after a short period of time, and my enthusiasm faded with time."
"One of my friends gave me a paper for organ donation. And she tried to convince me to agree. And asked me to sign it to get the organ donation’s card, to help people who are in need to those organs," said Moza yousef, "But honestly I did not excited for that, and I threw the paper at a later time."
On the other hand, parents of the deceased person refuse to donate their son's organs. Because it is a distortion of the body of the deceased. Especially the time of death, When the family of the deceased person in deep distress. And refuse any one to touch the deceased person. Even though, the deceased had agreed in advance to donate his organs. And own the organ donation card. Doctors cannot act with organs of the deceased before taking the consent of his parents. But often the answer is "No". This reduces the number of organ donors.
Fatima Mubarak (mother) said: "I think it is nice that Muslim helps his brother in Islam. And reduce his suffering. But it is hard to imagine that happening to one of my children, I do not think I want anyone to touch any of my children, either before or after his death. I want my children to be full and safe during their lives, as well as after their death."
The State of Qatar interested in the subject of organ donation, because of its importance to the health of many of the people of the country and resident in the State of Qatar. Because of the large and continuous increase in the number of patient in need of donated organs‫. Qatar state established (Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation), subordinate by Hamad Medical Corporation. Where the center receives people who wishing to donate their organs, and provides them with cards of donate organs after death. And the center provides free treatment for all, citizens and residents. It also regulates the transfer of an organ from a deceased person to a patient in need, and inscribed his name on the waiting list. The center characterized by the Medical cadres who are qualified and good trained. And has been equipped with the latest medical devices. The Center internationally recognized.
In addition to the therapeutic, the center concerned with awareness aspect because of its importance. From its activities doing awareness campaigns and scientific seminars. especially for students of Schools and universities. Targeting the future generation. Who expect a lot from them in the development of this country. And many of events in the area. Despite all of that, demand is still weak from the public. It is difficult to convince the individual with the idea to donate his organs.
One of the center's goals is fighting organ trafficking. Where violates the human rights of some people. And that by getting some of their organs without their consent, or exploitation of their poverty and their need. Then sell those organs to some patients who are In need of such organs. This exploitation and This heinous crime cannot stop, except through international cooperation between the institutions concerned to. The (Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation) is one of those institutions. For this reason, the Centre hopes to obtain a sufficient number of donors. So the patient does not have to buy the organ who needs illegally.
There are around 2000 people, from citizens and residents, who got the organs donation card from the center. But the figure is still relatively small. Because of the serious shortage of organ donors, the Center began to direct awareness campaigns to communities’ resident in the State of Qatar. And that through cooperation with the centers, where people from various communities gather in.
Organ donation is a relative matter, vary from person to person. And return to a culture of individual. Some may accept, others reject it strongly. For reasons seems convincing from their own perspective.

Done by: Noor Al-Muhanadi

انطلاق سلسلة احتفالات شبكة الجزيرة

الجزيرة تحتفل بذكرى مرور 15 عامًا على تأسيسها
في مساء يوم الثلاثاء في الثامن عشر من شهر أكتوبر بدأت الجزيرة بإطلاق سلسلة احتفالاتها بذكرى انطلاقها الذي مر على تأسيسها 15 عامًا وستستمر هذه الاحتفالات حتى منتصف شهر نوفمبر , وبهذه المناسبة عقد مدير شبكة الجزيرة الإعلامية الشيخ أحمد بن جاسم بن محمد آل ثاني – الذي تم تعينه مؤخرًا – مؤتمرًا صحفيًا يتضمن عدة فعاليات لتكون محور الحديث , حيث عاونه في إدارة هذا المؤتمر سعادة الدكتور حمد بن عبدالعزيز الكواري (وزير الثقافة والفنون والتراث) , بالإضافة إلى ذلك شارك السيد منير الدائمي ( رئيس اللجنة العليا لاحتفالات شبكة الجزيرة) في إدارة هذا المؤتمر.
 قدم المدير آل ثاني تصريحًا في بداية المؤتمر حول طبيعة فعاليات احتفالات الجزيرة وأنشطتها التي ستركز في المقام الأول على الأنشطة المحلية والدولية أو الداخلية والخارجية التي استطاعت الجزيرة أن تؤثر على الجمهور بتوعيتهم والمطالبة بالحرية والتحرر من قيد الظلم مشيرًا إلى عمق التركيز إلى التغيرات التي حدثت في الساحة العربية واعتماد أفكار ومقترحات العاملين في شبكة الجزيرة من صحفيين وإعلاميين والتطرق إلى استماع آراء الجمهور الإعلامي الذي قد يقدم مقترحات تفيد في مستقبل الشبكة ولذلك تم التنظيم والتخطيط لهذه الإحتفالية.
نجاح شبكة الجزيرة
صرح المدير آل ثاني إلى كشف النقاب عن شعار الجزيرة الجديد لعام 2011 بأن تتخذ من شعار "الجزيرة: 15 عامًا من الخبر والوعي والرأي"1, وأضاف بأن نجاح الشبكة يعود لكل من ساهم في تطويرها وللمدير السابق "وضاح خنفر", الذي كانت الجزيرة تتخذ شعار "الرأي والرأي الآخر" بحيث أنه قام بإلقاء كلمة شكر لهم كتعبير عن مجهودهم الذي رفع من اسم شبكة الجزيرة باعتبارها صاحبة الفضل الأول في خلق مناخ الحرية, وأضاف إلى أن استكمال تطور الشبكة سيكون قائم على ما قُدم من مجهودات العاملين في الشبكة قبل تعينه كمدير ولابد من مواصلة السعي إلى أن يكون DNA  لكل مؤسسة, كما صرح بأن بدون وجود الحرية لا يمكن تحقيق مستوى النجاح العالي الذي لابد أن يتخذ من رأس المال البشري إضافةً إلى الإبداع والابتكار الفكري باعتبارهما الأساس في التطوير والتنمية مضافًا إلى أن اشتغاله في قطاع البترول ليس له دخل في التنمية.

استعراض نشاطات شبكة الجزيرة وفعاليتها
كشف الدائمي عن نوعية الفعاليات التي ستقيمها الجزيرة مبتدءاً بالتحدث عن عرض فلم "للقصة بقية" الذي سيعرض عن محتوى تاريخ شبكة الجزيرة وطبيعتها وتطورها الذي لعب دور كبير في تطوير الإعلام العربي ؛الذي كان يفتقد إلى الحرية التامة في تغطيتها الإخبارية , وبعد ذلك انتقل إلى الحديث عن الفعاليات الفنية التي ستشمل عروضًا فنية مثل : الفن التشكيلي؛ وهذه الفعالية سوف تُعرض بعنوان "ملتقى الجزيرة للفن الثامن", بحيث أن هذه الفعالية ستشمل مشاركة العديد من الرسامين والفنانين الذين سيقومون بالتعبير عن فرحة هذه الاحتفالية برسم اللوحات التي تتعلق بالشبكة, وأضاف إلى أنه سيتم عرض أمسيات شعرية ومنها مسابقة "شاعر الحرية"الذي أُختير 12 مشاركًا من أصل 500 مشارك من مختلف الثقافات , وقرر بأن العرض المسرحي سيكون له دور بارز في هذه الاحتفالات وذلك بعرض مسرحية "مرمرة" الذي يتحدث عن قطاع غزة وحصارها ودور الجزيرة في هذا الحدث كان بتغطيتها الإخبارية الكاملة , وأخيرًا اختتم بحديثة عن فعاليات الجزيرة هي أنه سيتم عرض اوبريت الحرية في آخر أيام الاحتفالات بحيث أنها ستعرض جميع الصور التي تحمل معاني الحرية بمشاركة العديد من الفنانين مثل : عيسى الكبيسي , وعد البحري , ومجد القاسم.

مخططات شبكة الجزيرة وتصريحاتها الأخيرة
قدم الدكتور الكواري في بداية حديثة كلمة شكر لمدير الشبكة؛ وذلك لاحترامه لكل من ساهم في تطوير الشبكة مضافًا إلى تقديم الشكر الجزيل لمشاركة وزارة الفنون والثقافة والتراث لهذا الحفل وربط شبكة الجزيرة الإعلامية بالفكر والثقافة والسياسة , وصرح برغبته الشديدة بتأسيس قناة ثقافية تكون تابعة لشبكة الجزيرة الإعلامية وفي نهاية حديثه قال: " أن الجزيرة أصبحت مفخرة من مفاخر العرب والقطريين". وعندما رأى المدير آل ثاني رغبة د.الكواري والكثير من الجمهور في إنشاء قناة ثقافة خاصة بالجزيرة , أشار إلى أن هناك هناك خطة لإقامة مشاريع جديدة لاتزال في قيد البحث والدراسة والتخطيط لافتتاح قناة الجزيرة الثقافية ومن بين تلك المشاريع هي : قناة الجزيرة بلقان والتركية والسواحلية, وصرح آل ثاني أيضًا إلى أنه سيتم اصدار كتاب " الجزيرة ..قصة نجاح" الذي سيكون باللغتين (العربية والإنجليزية) , بحيث أن هذا الكتاب سيقدم 83 قصة تتحدث عن تطور الشبكة وتأثيرها على الجمهور والكثير من المعلومات والأحداث التي تتعلق بالشبكة , وأيضًا من الإصدارات التي سيتم نشرها هي مجلة "الجزيرة15" وهذه المجلة شاملة لجميع احتفالات ونشاطات الجزيرة الذي تحتفل بذكرى الـ 15 عامًا على انطلاقها .
Done By:
Asma Hashim &Mooza Ahmad Al-Buenain

Omar El Sherif at QU ((Artical+ Slideshow)))

قاعة ابن خلدون تضم لقاءاً مع عمر الشريف
         في صباح يوم الأربعاء في اليوم السادس والعشرون من شهر أكتوبر, افْتُتِحَتْ أبواب قاعة ابن خلدون في جامعة قطر حيث ألقت الأستاذة "هند الإبراهيم" كلمة الإفتتاح مرحبةً بالجماهير من مختلف الأعمار؛ فكانت القاعة مجهزة لاستقبال الممثل المصري الذي وصل إلى العالمية "عمر الشريف", بدعوة من كلية الآداب والعلوم بقسم الإعلام وذلك بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الدوحة للأفلام. في غضون ساعات اكتظت القاعة بالحشود بشكل غير متوقع؛ فاحتضنت الكثير من الناس، والذي وصل عددهم إلى ما يقارب نحو المائتان من الجماهير والصحفيين الإعلاميين، وأقبلوا يتنافسون ويتسارعون من أجل التقاط الصور.

حياة عمر الشريف ومسيرته الفنية:
بادئ ذي بدء عُرضت عدة مشاهد لأفلام الشريف كمقدمة تعريفية لتاريخه, ثم تحدث عن بداياته كممثل ومدى عشقه للتمثيل، كما أنه إلى جانب ذلك ذكر بإن التمثيل يعدّ مصدراً لرزقه, فلولا التمثيل لما وصل للعالمية والشهرة, حيث أنه أوضح أسباب نجاحه في مجال التمثيل وذلك بالتأكيد على أن الإنسان الطموح لابد له أن يسعى إلى تحقيق طموحه دون خوف أو تردد حتى وإن واجهته الصعوبات, فأضاف إلى ذلك قصة نجاحه في التمثيل الذي بدأ بالاغتراب عن موطنه لعدة سنوات وذلك من أجل استغلال الفرصة التي أُتيحت أمامة للعمل في السينما الأمريكية. وقد صرح بقوله: "أنا بحمد ربي إنَّ ما شوفتش حاجه وحشه خالص في حياتي وأنا مكسوف منه".
وتطرق بعد ذلك للحديث عن انتقاله من السينما المصرية إلى هوليوود، قافزاً قفزات ناجحة، مؤكداً بذلك أنه يمثل مصر في الدول الأجنبية؛ حيث أن شكله الخارجي ولكنته لعبوا دوراً للوصول إلى هوليوود، وبهذا الشأن حاول بذل قصارى جهده بتحدث اللغة الانجليزية.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك , صرح بحبه للفنانة القديرة "فاتن حمامة" التي سرقت قلبه، فذكر قصة حبه مؤكداً أنه تعرف عليها عندما عُرض عليه العمل في فلم (صراع الوادي) , فقبل تصوير هذا الفلم. حيث أنه كان لديه خلفية بسيطة عن الفنانة الشهيرة "فاتن حمامة" ولكن أثناء العمل في تصوير فلم (صراع الوادي) تعرف عليها عن قرب وأحب صفاتها وأسلوبها مضيفاً إلى أن هذه الفترة تُعَد من أجمل فترات حياته ولكنهما انفصلا؛ وذلك بسبب ظروف العمل في أمريكا الذي أجبرته على البقاء هناك عدة سنوات بعيداً عن مصر ؛ فكان ردة فعل الجمهور بعد تصريحه لهذا الحب هو أن جميع الفتيات في القاعة سرحوا بمخيلتهم مع الشريف عندما وصف الطريقة التي  تعرف فيها على محبوبته , كما أضاف في نهاية حديثة عن زوجته بأنه لم يعتنق الإسلام بسبب زواجه منها وإنما اعتنقه مقتنعًا بهذا الدين.

قدوم الشيخة " المياسة آل ثاني":
افتتحت أبواب قاعة ابن خلدون لتفاجئ الحضور بقدوم الشيخة "المياسة بنت حمد آل ثاني"، وبرفقتها الدكتورة "شيخة بنت عبدالله المسند" -رئيسة جامعة قطر- فاجتمع الجميع حول الشيخة "المياسة" متمنيين الحصول على شرف اللقاء معها، وراغبين فيها للاستماع إلى رأيها بوجود الشريف في الحرم الجامعي. وفي هذا الصدد قالت: "يعد هذا اللقاء مع الفنان "عمر الشريف" فرصة لطلبة الإعلام للاستفادة من خبراته الطويلة، بما أنه الممثل العربي الذي استطاع الوصول إلى العالمية، وعبر جسر النجاح للوصول إلى هوليوود".
كلمة شكرٍ:
وبدقائق قليلة تفصلنا عن نهاية اللقاء، تلقى "الشريف" كلمات عطره من الشكر والثناء على تواجده واستقباله، كما أهدته إحدى المعجبات وردة، وكتعبير عن فرحته قام بتقبيل يدها معبراً فيها عن شكره، واحترامه، ولباقته، وبعد لحظات خلت قاعة ابن خلدون بعد رحيل الممثل العالمي، فتلاشى الجميع في أرجاءها.