Sunday, December 18, 2011

Artificial Wedding Cakes

Artificial Wedding Cakes

There are many preparations for a wedding, the bride’s dress, invitations, the wedding hall and all of its preparations. But one of the most important things about weddings which must be taken into consideration is the wedding cake. Wedding cakes could be one of the things which completes the theme of any wedding. Thinking about how you want to design your wedding cake is very exciting but you should focus on some points before deciding :

1) The size of your cake: Which usually depends on the number of guests seeing as how you rather not have a huge cake for a small wedding guest wise, and vice versa.

2) The chef: It’s preferable to take advice from friends and previous clients of the same chef, so that you know from personal experiences. But at the end of the day, your personal preferences are what will determine your choice.

3) The season the wedding will be held in: If you were having a summer wedding you can’t take the risk of having a lot of icing in your cake, so thinking about the season and what contents should be in the cake is very important, especially if your wedding will be held outdoors.

4) The wedding theme : one of the most important steps when it comes to choosing your wedding cake is the theme. If you’re having a casual wedding with only relatives and close friends try to choose a simple design for the cake. If you’re having a fancy wedding with large numbers of guests, you will definitely choose the most suitable design and theme for your wedding, and matching the cake’s theme with other wedding decorations will certainly make your wedding seem more elegant and classic.

Brides choose fancy and sometimes peculiar decoration for their wedding cakes, to give their weddings more attention. But not all of them can afford expensive wedding cakes. So how do they manage to get hold of such amazing wedding cakes with all the many accessories which are demand by the brides with such low prices? Nowadays we are becoming more and more familiar with the word “Artificial” but what does it have to do with wedding cakes?

The term “Artificial Wedding Cakes” is becoming increasingly common to many brides these days, and if you’re wondering whether or not the word artificial means the cake is entirely fake or not, the answer is, “No”. Many bakeries started using a “trick”, where the upmost layer or two of the wedding cake are real, but the rest of the layers are simply made of Styrofoam. The arrangements that are made before creating this artificial cake to the wedding differ, but most wedding cake shops ask for signed agreements before continuing with the procedures. “If someone from the party cuts the Styrofoam, who takes responsibility? The company will of course. So we ask the customers with orders like these to sign an agreement” said Chef Hasan from Bateel bakery. Some brides liked the idea since they are going to have their dream wedding cake with a very cheap price, and many had comments like Mayasa Hassan’s, “ Wedding cakes are usually made of cream, and no one eats it at the end so why not use the artificial cake and save money?”. Other brides had completely different points of view. Metha Mohammed said “We only get married once in a life time, everything should be perfect and real in the wedding, I don’t mind wasting a lot of money on this one day, but I won’t take a risk and have something artificial in my wedding even if it was only the cake”.

As most women tend to be picky and unsatisfied by the little things, taking decisions for the big day and the use of anything artificial isn’t an easy decision. Some bakeries liked the idea because instead of wasting hours and hours baking and putting a 6-8 layer cake together, they could instead focus on doing their best on the first or second real layer and simply decorating the rest.
Thus, brides-to-be shouldn’t take any risks by making decisions without having full background information concerning real and artificial wedding cakes. Instead, they should visit as many bakeries and online sites as they can, without forgetting to hear personally from brides who have already used artificial cakes. Whether or not others have faced any difficulties or worries about these cakes prior to or during the wedding will definitely affect new brides’ decisions. When they have a full background on the matter, they will finally be more confident and certain about the choice they’ll soon be making.

Monya Mohammad
Yasmine Rabieh

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