Sunday, December 18, 2011

The sorcery and witchcraft business

A Family practicing ‘’witchcraft and sorcery’’ as a family business:
K.R is a mother of 7 children, her husband Mohamed. G works as a driver in a well-known company. His monthly income does not exceed 1500 riyals and he has to pay the rent which is 1000 riyals per month which means the remaining is only 500QR. It is difficult to survive with such amount especially because of life condition in Qatar. Although this family was relying on their relatives in getting their food, but still with 7 children it gives a hard times for all. In that point, the  mother K.R started practicing   astrology and  fortune telling, she started by “reading the cup” as her family in Persia does, her clue is to predict people’s future by figuring out the meanings of the appeared symbols in their cups. First she prepares a Turkish coffee for her friends when they come to visit her, after drinking the coffee she flip the cup upside down and wait for it to get a little bit dry. Strange shapes will start to appear in the cup, in that time she starts  looking carefully in the cup and predict about what will happen in the life of the person. She used to do that as a hobby to pass the time and entertain herself then she was tricking people into paying 100qr per session to have their curiosity cured. This amount of money increased to 300 riyals after 6 months. After a while K.G became expert and her income increased using the narrow minded women and naïf persons.
            K.G very proud of her career, informed us that she  travelled to Iran for 6 months to improve her skills in  witchcraft, and the use of supernatural or magical power. Also she learnt about how to deal with devils and how could they help her in achieving her goals. When she returned back to Qatar she noticed that the number of people visiting her is increasing, after she spread the word of her new wizardry. She said as well   that she feels respected by people because they are afraid to make her angry.
She declared that after she became experienced in the field her income increased to 17000 QR per month.

Islamic religion and “sorcery”
The Islamic religion approves that sorcery do exist and any person could bewitched but practices like astrology and fortune telling are considered un-Islamic.
It was mentioned in our holy book the Qur’an more than once. For example the story of prophet Suleiman:
"اتبعوا ما تتلوا الشياطين على ملك سليمان وما كفر سليمان ولكن الشياطين كفروا يعلمون الناس السحر"
From the statement “يعلمون الناس السحر” we understand that witchcraft is learnable, it get transmitted from generation to another even though it is considered a taboo since the emergence of religions.   

 “Why people use sorcery” said K.R:
1-      They aims to division, this is the most dangerous kind; people use it to divide the couples.
 "فَيَتَعَلَّمُون مِنْهُمَا مَا يُفَرِّقُونَ بِهِ بَيْنَ الْمَرْءِ وَزَوْجِهِ، وَمَا هُمْ بِضَارِّينَ بِهِ مِنْ أَحَدٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ ، وَيَتَعَلَّمُونَ مَا يَضُرُّهُمْ وَلَا يَنْفَعُهُمْ"
2-      Witchcraft of Sickness on which the person will be suffering from diseases.  It is not necessary to be appeared like flu or fever, but it is unknown pain that it appear inside the body.
3-      Witchcraft of madness, it affects the person intellectually. The person loses his ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong.

How to avoid sorcery and witchcraft?
First to treat the person who was influenced by magic we have to figure out the place of the incantation. Sometimes magic could not be treated unless by magic, and this is a big taboo.
It is always better to treat the magic by reading Qur’an especially “Alfateha” and reading some statements from “Al hadeeth”.said Mohamed Al Enaizi

In an interview with Sheikh Mohamed Al Enaizi he said that Whose keep the following duaa written on a paper, shall remain safe from the influence of any magic.
[In the name of Allah and with Allah: in the name of Allah-that which Allah wills (takes place); in the name of Allah- there is no power nor strength save with Allah. Musa said : What you have brought is sorcery; verily Allah will soon make it vain: verily Allah does not put in order the work of the mischief-makers.
Thus the truth was established, and what they were doing was made vain.So there and then (Firawn and his enchanters) were defeated and made to look small, humiliated]
And has also confirmed that any deal with sorcery is excluding the person from paradise.
Done by:
Yosra Nasri & Amina Albloshi

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