Sunday, December 18, 2011

Organ Donation Between Rejection and Acceptance of the Qatari Society

Dr. Yusuf Al-Maslamani lecture at Qatar University , to encourage students to donate organs

Organ donation after death is not new subject of our world, but it remains controversial and differing opinions. Many people need to transplant healthy organs in their bodies to preserve their lives. But the problem is that the number of donor organs is very small, Compared with the needs of patients. For that, many doctors trying to convince people to sign a document of organ donation after death.
For the Qatari society this idea is not popular Compared with other communities. Where the only sounds you hear are faint sounds by doctors trying to convince the Qatari society with the idea, with the aid of religious opinion to this issue which rejected by some people taking the religion as an excuse for them. Especially after the Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Yusuf al-Qaradawi fatwa’s, he said that is permissible to donate organs to Muslim brothers who In need of such body organs to live a healthy life, and that desirable.
Very few are considering to donate their organs, And less who go to sign the approval application To donate their organs after death in order to get the card that approved that they are accept to donate their organs after death, which authorizing doctors to act with organs of the person after he died.
Sheikha Jassim said: "In fact I heard about organ donation after death in a television program, and I was impressed with the idea a lot, especially it has a great reward from god, and consider as charity after death, so I told my mother about it to have her permission for that, and she agreed," she add, "But I have not acted in this issue, because I simply forgot about it after a short period of time, and my enthusiasm faded with time."
"One of my friends gave me a paper for organ donation. And she tried to convince me to agree. And asked me to sign it to get the organ donation’s card, to help people who are in need to those organs," said Moza yousef, "But honestly I did not excited for that, and I threw the paper at a later time."
On the other hand, parents of the deceased person refuse to donate their son's organs. Because it is a distortion of the body of the deceased. Especially the time of death, When the family of the deceased person in deep distress. And refuse any one to touch the deceased person. Even though, the deceased had agreed in advance to donate his organs. And own the organ donation card. Doctors cannot act with organs of the deceased before taking the consent of his parents. But often the answer is "No". This reduces the number of organ donors.
Fatima Mubarak (mother) said: "I think it is nice that Muslim helps his brother in Islam. And reduce his suffering. But it is hard to imagine that happening to one of my children, I do not think I want anyone to touch any of my children, either before or after his death. I want my children to be full and safe during their lives, as well as after their death."
The State of Qatar interested in the subject of organ donation, because of its importance to the health of many of the people of the country and resident in the State of Qatar. Because of the large and continuous increase in the number of patient in need of donated organs‫. Qatar state established (Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation), subordinate by Hamad Medical Corporation. Where the center receives people who wishing to donate their organs, and provides them with cards of donate organs after death. And the center provides free treatment for all, citizens and residents. It also regulates the transfer of an organ from a deceased person to a patient in need, and inscribed his name on the waiting list. The center characterized by the Medical cadres who are qualified and good trained. And has been equipped with the latest medical devices. The Center internationally recognized.
In addition to the therapeutic, the center concerned with awareness aspect because of its importance. From its activities doing awareness campaigns and scientific seminars. especially for students of Schools and universities. Targeting the future generation. Who expect a lot from them in the development of this country. And many of events in the area. Despite all of that, demand is still weak from the public. It is difficult to convince the individual with the idea to donate his organs.
One of the center's goals is fighting organ trafficking. Where violates the human rights of some people. And that by getting some of their organs without their consent, or exploitation of their poverty and their need. Then sell those organs to some patients who are In need of such organs. This exploitation and This heinous crime cannot stop, except through international cooperation between the institutions concerned to. The (Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation) is one of those institutions. For this reason, the Centre hopes to obtain a sufficient number of donors. So the patient does not have to buy the organ who needs illegally.
There are around 2000 people, from citizens and residents, who got the organs donation card from the center. But the figure is still relatively small. Because of the serious shortage of organ donors, the Center began to direct awareness campaigns to communities’ resident in the State of Qatar. And that through cooperation with the centers, where people from various communities gather in.
Organ donation is a relative matter, vary from person to person. And return to a culture of individual. Some may accept, others reject it strongly. For reasons seems convincing from their own perspective.

Done by: Noor Al-Muhanadi

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